FRG meeting in October 2017

First FRG workshop, October 2017, Columbia University

The first Integrable Probability FRG workshop was held on October 27-29, 2017 at Columbia University in New York. Some photos from the meeting.

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This is how the GUE Tracy-Widom/Airy$_2$ double critical point is deformed in our large deviations regime. In this case the double critical point is split into two real critical points, and the large deviations function comes from the difference between the values of $S(\cdot)$ at these two new points

Coarsening model on Zd with biased zero-energy flips and an exponential large deviation bound for ASEP


We study the coarsening model (zero-temperature Ising Glauber dynamics) on $\mathbb{Z}^d$ (for $d \geq 2$) with an asymmetric tie-breaking rule. This is a Markov process on the state space ${-1,+1}^{\mathbb{Z}^d}$ of “spin configurations” in which each vertex updates its spin to agree with a majority of its neighbors at the arrival times of a Poisson process. If a vertex has equally many $+1$ and $-1$ neighbors, then it updates its spin value to $+1$ with probability $q \in [0,1]$ and to $-1$ with probability $1-q$. The initial state of this Markov chain is distributed according to a product measure with probability $p$ for a spin to be $+1$.

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Logo of the program at MATRIX Institute in January 2018 (

2018 travel


1-12 • Moscow, Russia

13-27 • Creswick (Victoria, Australia) • “Non-equilibrium systems and special functions” program at MATRIX Institute

28-31 • Moscow, Russia • SkolTech Center for Advances Studies

All 2018 travel »

Park City Rail Trail

PCMI Summer session 2017 "Random matrices"

A three-week program which brought together numerous leading experts in random matrices and related fields. For me personally this program has started a very exciting collaboration on probabilistic understanding of combinatorial summation identities.

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I came across a very nice source file beautifier called latexindent which is a part of the standard distribution.

CTAN page, GitHub repo

The script should be run on the source and it would do the stuff I usually like in source files, such as wrapping, indentation of lists and environments, and so on.

The issue with source files is that everyone using formats them differently, since the processing is very forgiving. In particular, there is lots of whitespace which can be inserted to make source files more human readable. The latexindent tool would allow me to automatically standardize the source code and not think about the various ways one can format the source.

(Previously in some projects, in particular in joint ones, I have spent some time reformatting the source files to my liking; and while latexindent might not format everything how I would like, it is extremely configurable, and I can live with it because of the time it would save me.)

My configuration of latexindent »

Jekyll logo

Homepage update


I’ve updated and streamlined the internal structure of my homepage which will make it much easier to manage. This is yet another attempt to better understand Jekyll and come up with a website which is easy to manage and update regularly.

In the process of the update I’ve moved over almost all content from the previous version (also build with Jekyll, but back in January 2014), and in particular created a special gallery of simulations instead of a series of posts like in the previous version (although these simulations are also displayed in posts).

The design of the homepage closely follows the style of University of Virginia, and is in line with the new Math Department website which I am also building.

More technical details »

The iconic Duke Chapel

SouthEastern Probability Conference at Duke University

From the conference website:

This special edition of the Southeast Probability Conference will focus on interacting particle systems, random graphs, stochastic growth models, and their applications in biology, ecology, and statistical physics. It is also an occasion to honor the contributions of Professor Rick Durrett on the occasion of his 65th birthday.

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Nonintersecting random paths

FRG page

Focused Research Group in Integrable Probability supported by the NSF grant 1664617 and companion grants 1664531, 1664619, 1664650